We’re Having A…
November 7, 2018
I am trying not to laugh as I type this because our Gender Reveal went nothing like I had planned. At the end of September we planned a long weekend home (to Louisiana) to visit family and friends and while we were there we decided to share the baby’s gender in a fun way. I had balloons filled with confetti for the kids to pop and sealed them in a black trash bad until it was time to share. It was getting dark so I pulled our family and the kids out of the pool to do the reveal. I began setting everything up. Getting my camera settings set, having my phone on video mode, and placing the kids in their spot with their balloons WITHOUT the needle. I handed them the balloons, turned around to grab my camera, started the phone to film, and before I could even turn around to them I hear POP! I think time stood still for several seconds while I processed the next few minutes. I remember looking around and saying are you serious? Sully had popped his balloon with his hand somehow and began crying because it scared him. Scarlett began to complain because the confetti was sticking to her body. Our family just started cheering and saying Yay!! And we all just laughed and sighed at the hilarity of what had just transpired.
I hadn’t even gotten a chance to tell Scarlett that Pink confetti means it’s a sister and Blue confetti means it’s a brother. So, she began to ask to pop hers because she thought her balloon would hold a different color. We tried to explain to her that they were both the same color and hers was the same as Sully’s. She was so confused, so we said, okay maybe this is our chance at a re do at least for the kids. Round 2. Scarlett now refuses to pop her balloon because she is now scared. Someone just pops it for her and she totally realizes she’s getting a baby…
We are so excited to share our baby is a BOY! Between Scarlett needing some time to warm up to the idea and Sullivan still thinking the baby was a sister up until a week ago, we just had not made it a priority to announce it so widespread. Scarlett’s PE teacher told me a few weeks ago that she excitedly announced to her class that the baby was boy with the biggest smile on her face. I melted and felt so much joy hearing this. She has always been excited for this baby, but was so convinced she would have a sister and they would share a room. She just needed her own time to think on it all and now she doesn’t stop talking about her baby brother 🙂 But, she also just thinks the next baby will be a sister… and nope we haven’t quite tackled that conversation yet ha!
I honestly thought it was a girl because I was SO SICK with hyperemessis. But that was my only gut to go off of and I knew better than to convince myself just because of the morning sickness- had it mildly with Sully too. I’ve always had a feeling since I was younger that I would have more boys than girls. But I thought it would be the reverse order of boy, boy, girl. Truly I feel like my personality fits more for a boy mom than a girl mom, so thinking about our family has me so excited! I know there will never be a dull moment and Scarlett and I get to remain the Queen and Princess! Joel always just thinks what I think and thought girl for the same reason. I think part of him thought having a girl might be easier (he is one of three boys and knows how crazy times can be). There are so many special bonds between parents and children, children and siblings, and mother and child. I knew that no matter what this baby would be that a special bond was already in the works. We love him so much already and he isn’t even here yet! Scarlett asks every week to see the baby app so she can see how big the baby is and what he looks like. It’s been the cutest thing to share with her. She literally tells EVERYONE about her baby brother and then asks me why I didn’t tell the cashier that I had a baby in my tummy. Her age has made it so much fun! Sully asked me the other day if baby brother was in my tummy, which he then proceeded to ask me, “mommy, you ate him?” I think I laughed so hard I cried. I can’t wait to watch him interact with our baby. He loves babies and is so sensitive to when other babies are crying. He still does not get it all fully, but I see his little wheels turning and know he is just going to be the best big brother. This journey has had its ups and downs and we are just so gratefeul for him, that he is healthy and growing well.
If any of you are the only girl and have brothers, send some words of wisdom over to me to share with Scarlett. I know I’ll constantly be trying to balance her world in a world of BOYS. And boy moms, does it go without saying that I need your advice?! All the tips. All of them! So far I know I just have to keep them alive til they are teenagers, ha! No big deal!
Thank you so much for sharing in our excitement! Lots of you sent me nudges in my DM’s and emails asking when we were announcing which has meant the world to me. I know I’ve been quieter with this pregnancy and hearing from y’all completely makes my day. We couldn’t be happier and are so encouraged by sharing our pregnancy journey with each of you. Thank you for all the continued love and support!