Back to (pre) School Ready with Walmart!
August 16, 2020
Thank you to Walmart for sponsoring today’s post! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

We never expected to begin our school year this way, but making the most of the paths we’ve chosen for our kids. At this time we plan to send Scarlett to in person school and will be keeping Sullivan home the first 9 weeks until we have a better idea of how things will be. Shep will be home with me either way, so I figured we’d soak up some more brother time. With Scarlett being in school I can focus on teaching Sully pre school for a few months– in hopes he can return in the fall to traditional school. In the meantime, we’ve stocked up on some back to school basics, essentials, and supplies from Walmart for the kids to enjoy their new school environment. We plan to do more of a ‘playing pre school’ lesson plan for Sully. So lots of outdoor fun, activities, and playing while learning. It wasn’t until school shut down that I realized that the academic time in a school day is not as long as I thought. For pre school its about 45 mins to 1 hour max. That feels totally do able even with an 18 month old at home, too. I did order this pre k work book by Brain Quest for days when I don’t have a plan in place. We have used these books for years and I think they are so well done and easy to follow. This wipeable ABC work book is great for getting in some academic time especially if I am busy with Shep. This Match It Numbers game looks like a fun way to practice counting and number recognition! Having these three items in rotation and then adding crafts, outdoor play, and little field trips, etc will be a great base for us for this short time.

Boys Basics // back to school is when everyone gets new underwear and socks 😉

Boys Apparel

Pre K Educational Resources
Walmart has a wide variety of back to school options for all school aged children! It is so convenient that they offer next day shipping, as well as pickup and delivery options! I love how easy they’re making back to school shopping. Check out the back to school section for more great finds!