We’re Having A…
November 7, 2018
Embracing the Inevitable
January 10, 2017Since October 6 of last year, I’ve been adjusting to a change that has been a long time coming… 10 years in fact. I’ve been putting off a maxillofacial surgery for that long y’all! In my last years of high school I spent over a year going to surgeon after surgeon and getting expert...
Toddler and Baby Shared Nursery Update
June 8, 2016Hello there! It has been somewhat quiet here on the blog lately. I wish I could say the same about the kids’ nursery, but I can’t. Honestly, this shared nursery transition has been one of the hardest things my husband and I have dealt with when it comes to our children. Maybe our situation...
Toddler Potty Training: Our First 3 Days In
August 11, 2015Potty training is one of those things you start thinking about when your child turns around two. Some of your child’s friends may be starting to potty train or are already potty trained or your child may be expressing interest themselves. For us, it was a little bit of both. Scarlett has been constantly...
Today, I am really excited to have Veronika from Veronika’s Blushing here to share her personal story about going back to work. Veronika’s decision to enter back into the work world was not an easy one. Her story is inspiring and I love the way she talks about both sides of the decision. You will...