This is a July 1st we have been looking forward to for awhile! Really, next July 2021 is the big year, but it’s such an amazing feeling to know Joel has under a year left of his entire medical training 🙌🏼 It’s the last first day of school for forever! For our entire lives we’ve gone by academic years, and here we are in our 30s still basing our calendar year off when medical academic years begin and end. The beginning of an academic year in the medical community is a tough transition… new interns, new residents, new fellows, and all while saying goodbye to new inters, residents, and fellows. Joel is Chief resident again for his program (he is on a combined track, so it’s tricky to explain). He has a lot of responsibility to help the new fellows and make sure things go smoothly the first several weeks, so we knew with all of that and then him being on call this week we should just go ahead and head to the grandparents beach condo for some time! Joel will put in a lot of hours this month and it’s just best we getaway and not add any additional stress to his plate.
So here are some happy photos from our fun beach day! Finally decided it was a good day to pack my nice camera and snap some photos of the kids in their cute matching red, white, and blue suits from Tbbc!
my suit | my earrings | Scarlett’s suit | the boys’ swim trunks + shirt