Free Printable Collaboration with @BrittRaborn x @Honey.Bear.Pages // School Schedule, Mystery Pen Pal, and Notes To Grandparents
April 17, 2020

I am so very excited to get these free printables to y’all! If you don’t already follow @Honey.Bear.Pages on instagram, you need to! Her designs are so precious. She can make so many sweet things for you and your children!
Honey Bear Pages is a small business speciality adding the classic touch to your gifts and parties. We create custom gift tags, stationary, invitations, placemats, and more!
I asked her to collaborate with me on this because I have been trying to come up with some fun snail mail activities for my kids to do during this sensitive time. They miss their friends and family so much right now. She did the most adorable job in creating these sweet designs for y’all! So excited to have sweet little notes for friends and grandparents! I think we have y’all covered with the designs she has come up with! Scarlett got really creative with her grandparent notes and even gave her Popsi (my father) his notorious mustache! I know this activity will bring so much joy to your kids, their friends, and family right now. I hope y’all enjoy these! Please tag @BrittRaborn and @Honey.Bear.Pages on IG stories/posts if you print and use them! We’d love to share them!

We also made a printable PDF week day school schedule that my family and I have been loosely following. It has been so helpful having something concrete on the wall to glance at and see where we are in our day and what we should be moving to next. My almost 7 year old thrives on a schedule, so if anything, she enjoys having this so much. When I am busy with the younger two children, she takes the initiative to know what subjects to start on next and has things prepared for me to get assignments moving for her. There a lots of movement breaks, mommy breaks, and free time built in. We have been trying to be more cognitive of just going at the children’s pace with all of this. There are so many changes and transitions that if we are an hour off or push something off to later in the day, it is totally fine. I just thought this was helpful to have for reference as we move forward in this home school journey. Once we started our first e-learning week last week I had a better grasp of what our schedule was beginning to look like. I hope all of you are doing well and taking care. I know this is such a difficult time for many and having small children really can heighten worry and anxiety right now. I wanted to give parents and children something happy and fun to look forward to doing during this time. Below you can click the links that will take you to a new browser where you can print the printables. TIP: print 2 or more pages to include in your friends envelope in case they don’t have access to a printer. They can send one back to your child and bring joy to another child 🙂
Free Printable Below ~ click links to print the PDFs!