Shep’s Favorite Busy Toys for 6m +
September 26, 2019

It happened SO QUICK y’all! One day Shep was just a wobbly thing learning to sit up and just a few days later he is sitting up all on his own and then trying to learn how to rock on all fours. He is now starting to stand up really well holding onto furniture. Before I know it he will be walking around the furniture! This is when the baby stage just picks up and goes by in a blink. Trying to soak in all that little baby sweetness. It gets hard each day as he tries to wiggle off my hips when holding him. He has definitely become more interactive and wants to see what his siblings are doing. They love giving him attention and are always asking to play with Shep. It’s so sweet. They make me super nervous because they always want to offer the baby their toys, which are not always age appropriate for him. The thought is so precious, but it made me realize I may need to come up with a ‘center’ for him with his own toys, especially so that the big kids know what is his and what he should play with. We got rid of a lot between Sully and Shep because I wasn’t 100% sure we’d have a third baby. I realized we don’t have much to give him for this 6-12 month ‘busy stage’. Between doing my own research and asking some friends with younger babies what their babies enjoyed, I found some new gadgets for Shep to enjoy!

Walmart has the best selection of toys for babies and kids of all ages! I ordered the activity table and busy board and they came in the mail in ONE day! So many of Walmart’s items qualify for free 1 day shipping. I was blown away by that service! I loved browsing their website and seeing all the new toy arrivals, too. I am already starting to think about Christmas and Walmart always has the best prices! You can see their toy selection by age + category and new toy arrivals here!

Shep’s Top 5 Toys right now are:
1. Activity Table : he loves standing here and exploring all the lights and sounds! the big kids love sitting there with him playing with this, too! isn’t it funny how they do that?
2. Activity Board with Doors & Latches : this has been so fun to watch him play with. sully especially loves helping him play with this one. a great toy for him to grow into an play with til the toddler years.
3. Wooden Activity Center : this was one of the first things we gave shep in his new busy phase. he loves it! and sometimes i enjoy a toy that doesn’t make a ton of sound too 😉 wooden toys last forever which is a huge plus!
4. Lamaze Peacock Toy : these little lamaze toys go everywhere with us! they attach to high chairs, car seats, etc. he loves the crinkly noise, bright colors, and they are easy to wash after they’ve been drooled on.
5. Jumper: one of the best baby toys to date! all three of mine have loved a jumper and it’s the best thing! i love watching them jump and bounce. so cute! this one blends well with my living room too, so it’s an added bonus!
We are lucky to have a few hand me downs from the older siblings, but I put together a list of some favorites/similar items we have that I think your busy baby would enjoy!
Busy Toys for Babies 6 months +
Thank you to Walmart for sponsoring this post! I am so glad I had the opportunity to share this information with y’all and to share how pleased I have been in Walmart’s toy selection. It made the selection process so easy!