[…] towards getting Sullivan’s room ready for his little boy room (that inspiration post is here), things have changed a good bit in his room. If you’ve been following along for awhile you […]

Happy New Year, y’all! First post of 2018! Y’all took my poll in the SMG fb mamas group and the most votes went to interiors, home decor, and room reveals! So, hopefully this post can hold y’all over til I get some more content together 😉 With all the amazing sales going on right now I ended up purchasing most of Sully’s big boy room bedding and decor. I didn’t plan on really getting anything til next year, but I never pass up a good sale! My ideas were all over the place for the longest time for his room. I knew I wanted something sweet, but ‘little boy’ too. The inspiration for his room came from this Country Living spread of Mandy Reeves home I saw a year or so back. I think most have seen this spread and have probably pinned their home as well. I really did not even realize that the two photos I pinned for my living room and for Sully’s room were from the same spread. It’s so crazy that I am subconsciously pulling inspiration from their home. Sully loves trucks, trains, and puppy dogs. I knew I wanted to make it a room of things he loves, but still classic and tasteful. When the day comes where he asks for batman sheets… I’ll just tackle it then 😉 But for now I’m going to try to keep things sweet and simple. Of the things he loves, I decided to have puppy dogs be the center of the ‘theme’ of his room. We have some really sweet ideas and some art in the works that my husband is going to be painting as well. Y’all remember the animal alphabet he did for Scarlett’s nursery? I’m so glad he agreed to make something special for Sully.
image by Lincoln Barbour via Country Living
Early this summer my mom found an antique Jenny Lind twin bed at their local antique store in Mandeville, Louisiana for such a steal. She scooped it up and refinished it for me. I took a leap with keeping it natural wood and then she stained it a few shades darker. Y’all, I am surprising myself by not turning it white. I couldn’t help but think how classic it would look in that dark wood. It’s been in his room since August and I have been itching to get the right bedding on there for him. I’m sharing below all that I have planned so far for his room. Sully’s crib sheets are these aqua buffalo check pattern Serena and Lily, and it’s my favorite part of his nursery. When I realized Serena and Lily had the aqua color in a duvet and sham, I knew I wanted it. It really isn’t an aqua. Looks more like a pale baby blue/aqua. Sully’s walls are a french blue and it really compliments it well. A reveal will have to come late next spring though because he is still in his crib (also in his room) so until we are ready to make the switch and move furniture it won’t be truly complete.
Duvet (in aqua) | Twin Quilt (in white) | Quilted Standard Sham (in white) | Border Frame Standard Sham (in aqua) | Buffalo Check Euro Sham (26×26) | Dalmatian Dog | Jack Russell Dog | Jenny Lind Bed (similar- ours is antique) | Table | Rug | Pom Pom Canvas Bin | Monogram style from Shop Dear Emmaline
I plan to have the twin quilt the main blanket he uses for covering up and the duvet will laid folded up at the end of his bed. I love this look! It’s what I do for our bed and just looks so fresh and clean. For pillows I’ll have the aqua trim pillow first (with his monogram on it), then the buffalo check Euro pillow behind that, the quilted standard sham, and regular pillow behind that. Ya’ll may remember the struggle I had with Scarlett’s pillow order, hah! I’m glad it came much easier this time around!
The arrangement of his room will probably be the biggest challenge. I have not yet decided on how I want his bed to be laid out. If I maximize space in his room, then the bed will be pushed up against a wall going long ways. Like how Scarlett’s room is set up. Which is fine, but I really have this grand idea of doing a gallery wall above his bed and this would make it hard if I put it against the wall. But, I know floor play space may end up being the better option since we do not have a playroom anymore. Photo below for reference of his wall I am talking about.
Crib Sheet in Aqua (on sale for $24!)
This has me to anxious to get him in his new bed, even though convincing Joel will take some effort. He sleeps so well in his crib right now… I am trying not to rush it. And, I know better than to just evict him from his crib for decor purposes. But, soon! Maybe one day he will just crawl in his bed on his own and ask to sleep there. Wishful thinking 😉
Love your inspiration for his room and that S&L buffalo check is the perfect aqua blue! Such a good find with that Jenny Lind bed! I say keep in his crib as long as possible. We moved Matthew to a bed at 2.5 years and he honestly would probably still be in the crib at 3 if we let him. He just doesn’t sleep as well in the bed.
good idea Nat! I completely agree 😉 I think we will wait till at least summer now and make a decision then. thanks so much for the love on the inspiration board 🙂 So excited to have it all come together!