Shep’s Favorite Busy Toys for 6m +
September 26, 2019
My Postpartum Care Essentials
May 8, 2019The third time around I felt way more ready and prepared to care for myself postpartum than ever before. It was so nice just knowing exactly what I needed and how minimalist I could be. Packing your hospital bag is focused on not just you, but the baby, and your husband. I wanted to put...
Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale // Women + Kid Picks
May 23, 2018I’m excited to share some Nordstrom half yearly picks with y’all today! The sale started today and will run through June 3 and things go pretty quickly, so if you see something you love, don’t wait long! Nordstrom does their really big yearly sale at the end of July, so this is kind of...
The Perfect Pink Carry On Suitcase
May 20, 2018I feel like I had scoured the internet for the perfect subtle pink suitcase for Scarlett for her first flight! I knew we would be fine with getting her a carry on size so that helped keep some options open for me. I finally found the perfect one that was at a great price...
5 Tips For Vacationing With Little Ones
March 6, 2017this post is sponsored by Carter’s, but all opinions are my own How cute is Sully in his blue plaid outfit from Carter’s + his little brown shoes are the sweetest! Love his 2 piece crab pajama set for spring! You’ve seen from my Instagram that my family and I travel a lot. When you don’t live...
Is He Ready?
August 19, 2016Ah, September is just around the corner. Here we are already towards the end of August and it has just flown by! When Sullivan was 3.5 months old, I registered him for Mother’s Day Out at the same place his sister went. We love the program and didn’t want to miss a chance. In...