We are getting into the back to school groove over here! Thankfully, Scarlett and Sully start school 3 weeks apart, so we’ve been able to ease into First grade for Scarlett and get her settled before we send Sully to pre-K3. The kids have loved all the back to school fun! Parties with friends, local family events, and we can’t forget the back to school shopping trip to Walmart! I took the older kids to Walmart to let them pick out some items on their list. They were so excited to pick out items in their favorite color or pattern! Gosh, this was one of my favorite times to look forward to as a kid. Fresh back to school supplies is the best! Even as a mom it’s wonderful because I get to throw out the old supplies and replace with new supplies that all have matching tops, pencils that have erasers, and fresh notebooks with scribbles in every page. Walmart has it all! All your kids favorite characters, fun colored school supplies, and all the basics they need. It was a one stop shop for us which is so great with younger kids! And if you didn’t know already, Walmart offers free 2 day delivery! So, hop online and use their online shop to do all your shopping at home!

Here are some items we scooped up for the new school year! New glue, colored pencils, pens for mommy, composition books, and pencils!

This year is going to be so fun for the big kids. It’s a big year for both of them. They will finally be in the same elementary school program, so they are excited about seeing each other often. Scarlett has been telling Sully all about his new school and what he has to look forward to. I’m so glad they will be so close together most days. Makes sending them off a little easier.

Thank you to Walmart for helping us get back to school ready for the 2019-202o school year! It’s going to be a great year!