Being the photographer I am, I knew I wanted to do a Fresh 48 session at the hospital when the baby was born. What I didn’t realize was the time of the season and how that would not be possible due to do since the flu being at it’s peak at his due date. The hospital we delivered at does not allow children or un vaccinated persons to come to the hospital from October through April. Which we totally get, understand, and appreciate. But, it just meant that my older two would not be able to meet their new brother until we got home from he hospital. And, also not worth booking a Fresh 48 session since they couldn’t be there. Joel knew I was crushed by it and insisted on helping snap some photos of Shep and me while we were still there. I was so grateful he offered. He is no photographer, but he tries his best in situations where he knows how important the photos are to me. Plus, having these photos from his perspective make the images extra special to me. I love how these turned out and am so glad to have them for him to always have and cherish.
Those first moments in the hospital really are so beautiful. They are personally, my favorite type of session to photograph. There is so much sweet joy and innocence in those first 48 hours. Soaking in all the new and freshness of a brand new baby. If you’re on the fence about booking a Fresh 48 session for when your baby is born, don’t even think twice, do it! This doesn’t have to be a glamorous session. Here I am with my hair un done, only under eye concealer and mascara on, in a nursing tank, and sitting on a hospital waterproof pad and ice pack. I suggest neutral or bright colored tops, blankets, and baby gowns to keep things looking sweet, timeless, and simple. Of course you can always get glammed up if that’s your thing, but it definitely doesn’t have to be. I think these turned out so sweet in the simplicity of it all 🙂