I’ve been itching to start making our home look like fall and now that September 22 came and went (first day of fall) I took the opportunity to spend the weekend making fall happen 😉 It may still be in the 80s, but I’m crossing my fingers for some crisp air soon. I think it is on it’s way according to the 14 day weather radar 😉 We had plans of taking the kids to a cute little produce stand here in Birmingham, but we totally missed out because they are closed on Sunday. So, it was off to Lowe’s we went. And boy were we shocked at how entertained our children were! We stayed close to an hour because they had a blow up haunted house and a little replica of a pumpkin patch set up. It made for a fun time and some cute pictures! So excited to share what we’ve done so far! Have y’all decorated for fall yet? I’m hoping my pumpkins stay nice and fresh through Thanksgiving! Is that a tall order?
Ps ~ Aren’t Scarlett’s overalls just the cutest? I couldn’t wait to get her a skirted one this year! She loves it!
I love your front porch! Jess at Just Jess
thank you so much!! still adding a few more touches, but love it so far 🙂