In case you do not follow my personal instagram account (@brittlouisecreative) then you may have missed that we announced a few weeks back that we are having a baby boy! We are beyond excited about adding a boy to our family! We all thought for sure it was a girl. Because, you know when you’re life is filled with pink, baby dolls, and little girl dresses sometimes you just don’t even think having a child of the opposite sex is possible. With my continued all day morning sickness that lasted up til 18 weeks, that is what kind of sold me that I was having another girl. I was so sick with Scarlett, but this time it lasted an additional month longer! That was honestly my only reason I thought girl. My husband just thought he’d never have a boy and was destined to be a girl dad. When the ultrasound tech told us boy, we were so in shock! Tears ran down my face and my my husband got a huge smile on his face- I could tell he was holding back from jumping up and down! We really could not be more excited! I think the idea of having a son is scary and exciting at the same time. I know I will have my hands full and will be practicing different parenting techniques with a boy opposed to a girl, but I know we will figure it all out and be very happy! I’ve always dreamed of having a son and hoped that the dream would become a reality one day. For names, we think we have finally picked out a name for him-yay! My husband takes his step 3 medical board exams next week so we are going to sit on the name for a few weeks just to make sure we feel it is a right fit for him. I’m excited and cannot wait to tell our family! As far as preparing for a boy, I have already gotten him a little bonnet, some jon jon’s, blue swaddles, and some other little sweet things! Boys are actually really fun to shop for 🙂 Boy moms, tell me all your secrets! Close friends of mine have already warned me about changing diapers with my mouth closed hah! I know there is lots to learn, and we are looking forward to meeting our little boy in November!
I am sorry I am just now sharing this piece of news over here, but I have been just so sick, overwhelmed with our move, and busy taking care of a toddler. I am just excited to be feeling well enough and motivated to do some blogging these days! Excited to share more of my pregnancy journey with y’all! Thank you for all of the love and support so far on the news of our baby boy! I promise I won’t be gone that long again!
Yay – congrats on baby boy on the way !
Congratulations! I have a daughter myself, but I also have an older brother and couldn’t imagine my life without him!