Today, I am really excited to be featuring Georgia Grace’s beautiful baby nursery! Her sweet mama, Denise of Gratefully Inspired, did a phenomenal job on her room. I love how charming and peaceful her nursery is. Most mama’s of baby girl’s turn to pinks when they find out they are having a daughter, but Denise chose pretty blues and it turned out just beautiful! Enjoy the gallery below! Find sources and details below. Location: Wilmington, SC Georgia’s nursery inspiration:...

Looking for a quick and easy popsicle recipe that is most likely already in your pantry/fridge? I know when it’s hot outside and the kids want something fancy, this will be so easy whip up! What screams summer more than popsicles? Lemonade and strawberry infused popsicles! ________________ Recipe: Lemonade Fresh Cut Strawberries It’s that simple! ________________ I used the Zoku Slow Pops: Classic Pop Molds to prepare the popsicles! What is your favorite popsicle recipe? I’ll be sharing more fun popsicle...

When I was pregnant in the fall of 2012 through early 2013, I rigorously researched all I could for the best baby products that were gender neutral and long lasting. I think I did a great job in selecting many of my registry items, but there were a few things I regretted not registering for and wished I had. Rock n’ Play Sleeper When our daughter was 4 weeks old, I tirelessly read so many raves about this product....

image source: Storq Each year roughly 51% of pregnancies are planned according to the NCBI. That means almost half of the women who get pregnant planned it. Many women who plan their pregnancies are so focused on charting their periods and ovulation that they forget to take other important measures for their soon to be baby. Here are a few important things to take into consideration before you get pregnant. Take your vitamins and include a folic acid supplement...

ABC 33/40 – Birmingham News, Weather, Sports Rising above ‘mom shaming’. Yesterday, I had the honor of being interviewed by a reporter from ABC 33/40 for a story they were doing. Mom Shaming is the title of the story, and I enjoyed very much getting to put my two cents in about being a stay at home mom / part time blogger and photographer. In today’s society many mother’s receive prejudice for making the decision to stay at home...