Basket … one | two | three | four | five |six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen
I had a lot of fun picking out little things for Sully’s Easter basket! This age (4) is so much fun! The little boy personalities really come out and they start to explore and really get imaginative! I’ve found that little boys are so different from girls at this age. Sully loves all the little things. I think that is something most boy moms would agree on. They get so much joy out of tiny little cars, small lego’s, small rocks, sticks, etc. Everything that fits in a pocket is like gold! I really tried to keep that in mind when putting this guide together. Of course, there is always room for the sweet little classic gifts, too, like a stuffed animal and a monogram cross. Below you can find more ideas by category! Have fun and happy shopping!
adventure & outdoors!
arts & crafts
don’t forget the chocolate and filled eggs!
Easter apparel