Sully turned 4 years old on the 16th and I cannot even wrap my head around it. I feel like we’ve hit a new phase of boy now that he is four. He is no longer in the toddler years and has moved into the role of a preschooler, and boy can I tell! When coming up with gift ideas for him from us and family I had to really think about it and poll my mom friends on this one. I wanted his four year old birthday toys to grow with him and take him into boyhood. I browsed the Walmart Toys section by each category I thought Sully would be interested in. They even have a character section which is super helpful! It was so easy to find items that he would be interested in! And I love that there is free 2 day shipping! Such a lifesaver when ordering in a pinch!
I had so many boy mom friends suggest to me building style toys. So many recommended the Lincoln Logs! Yes, the ones you may have played with as a kid, too! Turns out they are still very popular with kids today! He has definitely gravitated to these and him and Scarlett try to build something everyday. They have been such a hit!

Sully’s birthday party theme was ‘Boats’ so I tried to find some really neat Boat toys that he would enjoy! His uncles got him this coast guard rescue boat and this coast guard chase boat! He is obsessed! I had a strong feeling he would be, but he doesn’t let a day go by without playing with them. He even has them sleep on his bedside table at night! They come with action and dive men that are really neat!
He also has really been loving his Animal Encyclopedia book! He is such an animal lover and wants to constantly learn about insects, reptiles, mammals, etc. The photos are so clear and it’s an easy book for kids to follow along with. We pick an animal to read about almost every night!
He has started to show interest in playing more games with us which has been so fun! Most of the time he gets bored and wants to find something else to do, but the Jenga game has held his focus really well! There is such an exhilarating feeling we all get at each play it’s hard to walk away from.
More Toys That have been a hit!
Thank you to Walmart for sponsoring this post! I am grateful to have the opportunity to share all of Sully’s favorite new toys with y’all!