1.Red and Navy Tassel Earrings | 2. Wide Bow Hat (own & love it) | 3. Blue Stripe Scout Bag | 4. Navy Sailboat Jon Jon| 5. Red Stripe Romper | 6. Girls Sail Dress | 7. Denim Wrap Dress | 8. High Neck Navy Swimsuit | 9. Straw Bag
We are headed home to Louisiana for the Memorial Day weekend, and I cannot wait to enjoy time with family by the lake. It’s always so nice to be by the water for these holiday weekends! We are hoping the weather cooperates so that we can enjoy boating! Sully has been asking to go on a boat for the past 4 months! Being close to the water is what I miss most about living away. When we stay with my parents it’s like an escape with lots of R&R!
I come from a family who has served our country and so I want to also note that although this is a holiday usually spent having parties and entertaining others, please remember that this is a very difficult day for many who have lost family members or friends who served our country. A folded flag occupies a corner in our home, and it’s a daily reminder of the sacrifice others make for us. This is not a ‘happy’ day for most, so just please be sure to keep that in mind when sharing posts and enjoying the day off. It is because of our service men and women who have served and continue to serve for us, that we are able to live in a free country. God Bless America 🙂
Here are some more southern patriotic favorites for your upcoming Memorial Day weekend!