Old Navy 40% off Sale Picks + Free Ship with purchase of $25!
Last Friday my mom and I hit the local Old Navy to pick up some fun pieces for spring/summer! We left with lots of good pieces! So many of you loved my instastory boomerang with my mama and I wearing that denim jumpsuit pictured above. You can see it in my highlights “my style” how it fit both of our body types. I took a size small (I’m 5’8′) and my mom took a medium (5’2″). It looked SO CUTE on both of us! We found out later that night when we got home that it was on sale and so was the entire website. See, this is where the perks of online shopping come in because brick and mortar stores no longer price match store pricing, which is not the same currently, because we paid full price for the jumpsuits. We returned and ordered online! So, I went back for more stuff since the whole store is 40% off! Lots of you asked where Scarlett’s pink striped dress was from on instagram, so I figured I’d share our Old Navy 40% off haul with you! Here it is broken into categories below. Y’all know I love some categories 😉 It’s a little obvious I bought more for my kids than I did myself, oh well! Maybe I’ll go back for more once nap time hits!
What I actually bought (for me and my kids)
Picks for Ladies
Picks for Girls
Picks for Boys
Let me know if you pick up anything from the Old Navy 40% off sale! It’s a good one! This is when I stock up on lots of basics for my kids like pjs, fun shoes, and basic shirts/shorts!