Yay for the first holiday gift guide on SMG! I figured I’d focused on the kids gift guide first since they are the most important gift receivers for Christmas. For the holidays we like to get bigger gifts that we really need for the kids and that are super useful around the home. Things we have gotten in the past for them are outdoor swing set, strider bike, kids play table, kitchen set, doll house, work bench (this year), etc! It also makes the presentation around the tree a tad more fun 😉 I’ve compiled an extensive list of items with sub favorites in a few categories below. This list is for toddler/pre school aged boys and girls! I’d love to hear your favorites and what you think about the guide in the comments! Here we go!
PBK Kitchen // We have this one, but I love that Pottery Barn Kids came out with a new basic kitchen set without the high price tag. Even my 4.5 year old still plays with her kitchen and little brother Sully has shown interest in it since around 15 months old. This has been a great toy to keep in our kitchen so the kids can cook along with us!
See my favorite kitchen set picks AND fun accessories to pair!
Anywhere Chair (25-50% off TODAY 12/7) // We have this one for Scarlett and this one for Sully. We started both of our children out with the regular larger size chair and I am so glad we did. They have enjoyed them from 15 months and still today at 4.5. The bigger size chair is not too big, and they really will grow into it quickly!
Sleeping Bag // The faux fur sleeping bag is just so adorable! I think my 4.5 year old is now at the perfect age to really enjoy it and make use of it. I know it will be perfect for our travels and upcoming Disney trip!
~Here are some other favorites
Slippers //One of my favorite ‘little gifts’ to wrap up each year! Little ones in furry slippers has got to be one of the cutest sights!
~More favorites below
Amazon Fire Tablet // We purchased one of these because of all the positive reviews we’ve been hearing. Has the same capabilities of an iPad at a fraction of the cost. The best mom tip I got was to pre load everything first. Like an iPad, you have to add all the games/videos to it first.
Earphones (comes in blue and pink) // We have these and love them for traveling or they are just great when your child doesn’t nap and you want to instill ‘quiet time’ and make it last 😉 These do the trick!
Scooter // When I polled my mom readers on instagram a few months ago, this scooter came HIGHLY recommended. I had messages flooding in to purchase this one. Well, it will be under our Christmas tree this year and I am so excited for Scarlett’s upgrade!
Balance Bike // We have been big Strider bike fans for over two years now! They come highly recommended and are a great balance bike to start your toddler on. The concept of teaching your child to balance first is really so neat! We’ve watched first hand our daughters confidence grow in using this bike.
Gymastics Mats // (multi color here) This is a great set at a great price! I love how many pieces you get. Perfect for your little tumbler!
Teepee // If you have the room, these teepee forts are just the cutest for your little ones room or play room! Perfect for imaginary play, quiet time, and add such a sweet aesthetic to any room!
Table & Chairs // A perfect gift for any child! We love a good table and chairs around here! Perfect for mini lunches/breakfast/dinner area, craft spot, learning space, and much more! Every child needs a table and chairs! I linked several favorites below.
Woodwork Bench // Such a fun gift for little boys interested in tools and construction. I love the fine motor skills they can learn by having this product. Plus, you can personalize the one I linked!
~ See more tool toys below
Doll House // We adore our Westport Doll House from pottery barn kids! I think it’s a great doll house for really any kind of imaginary play for a young girl. Scarlett loves to put her calico critters, maileg mice, barbies, doll house people, and more in there! It’s such a versatile little house!
Linked a few other favorites below:
Round Tree Swing // Each time we end up at a friends home who owns one of these, my kids never want to get off. I love the concept and they really are so fun. A different way of swinging around!
Kids Smartwatch // This smartwatch is so neat! I love all the features such as taking photos, setting alarms, and doing simple math!
Personalized Puzzle // Such a great and classic gift for any child! Would be sweet and perfect for children learning their letters, learning how to spell, and recognize their name!
Piano // A classic gift I think every child should have. I love this version and it comes in a sweet pink as well.
Construction Toys // As a mama to a new toddler boy, I am finding out very quickly what toys they are most fond of. Everytime we walk into a toy store he flocks to a Bruder construction toy! They are made so well and we’ve enjoyed the excavator so far!
Tea Set // This personalized hand painted tea set is so beautiful! I cannot wait to gift this to Scarlett! Such a classic design! See other favorites below.
Growing Fairy Garden // I love this sweet little fairy garden set! Such a great price and will provide lots of sweet imagination.
Wooden Swing Set // I think this set is really reasonably priced with what all it comes with and the endless amount of opportunities of adding hardware and pieces down the line. You can read my post here about the one we have and why we love ours if you are looking for something bigger!
Art Easel // I love this sweet white one that will also look great in your home for when your child decides to make it a part of your decor 😉 It’s very practical with the paper, chalk, and scribble side!
Wagon // We have this one and love it so much! I love the option for the cover as well. We’ve been caught in the rain several times and this has been so nice to have! Of course, Radio Flyer makes several styles that will suit your needs.
Baby Doll Stroller // We have this one and love it! I love the vintage feel to this sweet pram. It fits lots of babies, so strolls are extra fun! Included lots more of our baby doll favorites below.
Jewelry Box // I love the idea of having a sweet and classic mirrored jewelry box for your pre school/school aged girls to keep their heirloom pieces in.
Pre School Education // I wanted to add some educational favorites here because as a mama to an almost kindergartener, these kind of gifts are becoming more important. I actually did an Usborne order through a friend and cannot wait to get those in!
25 + Â Boy Toy Ideas
 Here are 25 additional toy ideas for toddler and early school year boys! I see what all our neighbor boys play with and enjoy and wanted to include an extra category of random things I’ve seen boys from 2-7 enjoy!Â
Again, I would LOVE to hear what is on your kids holiday gift guide this year or if you enjoyed this gift guide! I can always some favorites in to help others 🙂