For 2018, I have a lot of wellness goals I’d love to get better at. I am not good at keeping a New Years goal, so I figured if I tried some beauty and wellness products early on then maybe I could actually keep them going in 2018. As I approach my 30s, skincare and wellness is becoming more important to me. I also wanted to have content that I really could recommend to y’all and be truthful about. I do not share something unless I have used it for awhile and absolutely love it. I own all of these products and bought them with my own money and these opinions are all my own. I will share things I love on instastories often, but creating a blog post about my favorite products is something I really take seriously and want to be sure of before I recommend something to y’all. That is really important to me and your satisfaction with what I recommend is why it takes me awhile to curate a post. So, I rounded up 10 beauty and wellness products that I hope you consider in 2018. If you are looking to jumpstart and and create a better lifestyle in 2018, then I think this post will be very helpful for you. It’s also my goal to gradually replace my skin care and beauty products with safer products. I’ve been using Beauty Counter for years and am excited to be adding more of their products into my skin and make up routines- truly a luxury product I’ve been so happy with!
Skin & Wellness Products
1/ Sunday Riley Combo Set
I’ve been using this set since we left for Chicago and I am very very obsessed with this skin care line. I have never used a skin care product before that has literally given me results on the first use. It has just gotten better from that day till now. I’m in a very good place with my skin because of this line. Products that include brightening and plumping always do best on my skin. I have a lot of freckles! And, I love them. But the sun has turned them much darker than I like, and this set has lightened them, helped my pigmentation overall, and has made my skin tone even and plump. I now know why this skin care line has like a cult following haha! This sample set was a great way to introduce me to the brand and try their most poplar products that I will be ordering full size bottles of when I run out. Two months in and this set still hasn’t run out.
2/ Charcoal Mask + Bar
I’ve been using this set for awhile now and it is probably one of my favorites! I have to really work at my skin to keep it clean. The charcoal bar is one of the only soaps I’ve found that actually takes off all my make up AND leaves my face feeling clean. Literally feels like a clean slate. My husband has now gotten addicted to this charcoal bar as well and says it has “man strength” haha. I don’t use this daily, but probably 4-5 times a week. I typically only use it if I’ve worn make up that day, have break outs, or exercised. I use the charcoal mask about twice a week to help remove debris and dirt. It’s kind of like my skin reset whenever I apply it. Cannot say enough good things about these two products that leave my skin feeling ultra clean. If you have sensitive skin, I’d recommend starting off slow with either of these products.
3/ Dry Brush
A long time ago I read about how the victoria secret angels use dry brushing all the time to help with skin. I finally ordered this $9 dry brush early summer and I immediately became obsessed with dry brushing my skin. I could feel my skin coming alive when I used it and the circulation to those areas being brushed was evident. I’ve now gotten into a routine where I only dry (wet) brush in the shower because I need to save time. I typically use it in the areas where I have stretch marks, on my upper back, under my arm pits, chest, and gently across my face to wash off my exfoliater cream.
4/ Countermatch Adaptive Moisturizer
My absolute favorite moisturizer I’ve found yet. This has been amazing for my winter skin in battling dry patches and rough skin. It adapts to what your skin needs and doesn’t need without leaving it oily using breakthrough bio-mimic technology. The reviews are also worth mentioning because over one thousand people have raved about it. Uses only safe ingredients.
5/ Vital Proteins
There is something about these capsules that is so intriguing to me. A product that improves collagen for your skin, hair, nails, bones, and joints will always get my attention. I’ve been using Vital Proteins collagen peptides for almost 3 months now and I feel like it has made a difference in my body. My skin does feel firmer on the regular and so far I have had less joint pain in these winter months. I have gotten gel nails a lot this fall and my nail girl even complimented me at my last visit as to how strong my nails were considering how many fills I had this season. It usually takes a toll on my nails, but they look no different. I add these to my smoothie or coffee each morning 🙂
6/ Amazon Alexa
This is going to sound so silly, but I really love our Alexa. She makes waking up a little easier. At the sound of my voice command she will play my favorite pandora station, tell me a joke, or set a reminder for me. Most importantly, if I wanna start my morning off with some Britney Spears, girlfriend is on it! We dance in our kitchen often, so she has brought a lot of happiness and laughter!
7/Â TULA Face Wash
I really love this face wash for my morning routine. It smells so fresh and leaves my skin feeling so clean. I love a face wash that has a lot of suds. When it suds up, I feel like it’s really getting applied to my skin and washing it. I’ve been using this face wash since early spring and love how it balances my skin. I rotate between my Tula wash and my Beauty Counter cleanser, that I also really really love.
8/ NutriBullet
I got this nutribullet about 4 months ago to start prepping for my jaw surgery and experiment with new recipes. I’ve gotten quite obsessed with this little machine and now make my coffee with it. It makes creating a smoothie easier than before and has such a simple clean up. I leave it on my counter so that it reminds me to make better food choices. Instead of grabbing cereal that has little protein in it, it helps me think about throwing together a nutritious smoothie with ingredients that will actually give me energy to get through my morning. And, an added bonus my kids love it too! They actually let me add spinach leaves to the bullet and they drink the smoothie! That’s a mom win for sure!
9/Â Lip Conditioner in Mint
My husband has actually stolen this stuff from me and will not give it back! He is a runner and is out in the cold and wind more often than I am and really needed something to heal and keep his lips hydrated. It’s not only Britt approved, but it’s Joel approved ha! I top a little bit of this on top of my matte lipstick or lipstick to seal in some moisture or I just wear it as a daily shine. It’s really good, y’all!
10/ Tinkle Dermablanding Razors
Until a couple of months ago, I really did not realize dermblanding was a thing. Something you can do at home and at a spa. I found these razors on amazon for $4 and figured it was worth a try. Well, now I’m just mildly obsessed with dermablanding my face and can’t stop. Like the feeling you get after you shave your legs, just image that, but on your face. Dermablanding removes dead skin cells and the peach fuzz from your face. For me, I’ve really loved the effect of doing it. My make up goes on much smoother and feels softer. I keep it next to my toothbrush and just skim over my face every other week or so.
I hope you enjoyed my 10 beauty and wellness products I’ve been loving lately. Please let me know if there is something you love and helps you stay healthy. I’d love to hear more about it in the comments. I of course have a beauty regimen I am trying to perfect and cannot wait to share that with y’all soon. So many have asked for this and I feel like I finally have a routine that works for my problem skin. Look for that in early 2018! Happy New years eve y’all!!
Have you noticed a difference in the appearance of your skin with dry brushing? I have wanted to try it, but I don’t know if it’s worth the time I feel like it will take! I’ve heard it can help with cellulite.
Hi Kasey! I have definitely noticed a difference in the texture of my skin with routine use. My main concern was removing dirt and debris from my face and improving circulation there. And I’ve definitely noticed a difference. I read a lot of reviews where people noticed it was helpful with their cellulite too.