Am I predictable or what? After springing forward today (hallelujah!) I felt like celebrating an extra hour of daylight and sleep with some cinnamon bunnies! My kids slept til 8:30 so I was in a great mood! Joel is 0n call this morning so I try to always make our morning without him (especially on weekends) a little extra special. I’ve been wanting to make these cinnamon roll bunnies for awhile after I stumbled across some inspiration on pinterest. Are they not the cutest things ever? Y’all know me and my bunny obsession, so I had to make this happen ASAP! Today was the perfect day!
All you need is a pack of cinnamon rolls (we love the Annie’s kind)- the kind that you can un peel. At first, I took a whole cinnamon roll, un rolled it, and used that dough for the ears on the other rolls. That made for some chunky disporportionate bunnies hah! On the last two bunnies I just un rolled about 6-8 inches off of the roll and used those pieces for the ears. Super easy! I much preferred that look because they were smaller and looked more proportionate. Also, I had to sacrifice a roll to make the ears on the other 3, so that made “less” finished bunnies in the long run. If you just use the dough in each roll for their ears it is still the same amount of rolls in the can. I just did this on a whim and wasn’t thinking 😉 They still tasted great though! If you are reading this the day of, then you can hop over to my insta story to get a voice over description on how I did these too!
Happy Sunday friends! I just wanted to hop on real quick and show y’all my sweet morning creation of cinnamon roll bunnies with this kids this morning! Now back to molding play doh and listening to princess radio station! Crossing our fingers daddy gets off on time!
[…] the hunt! 🙂 I plan on making some bunny sugar cookies to share with our neighbors and maybe these adorable bunny cinnamon rolls! And while we enjoy our bunny cinnamon rolls, we will stream a church […]