Is He Ready?
August 19, 2016
Ah, September is just around the corner. Here we are already towards the end of August and it has just flown by! When Sullivan was 3.5 months old, I registered him for Mother’s Day Out at the same place his sister went. We love the program and didn’t want to miss a chance. In case you aren’t aware, because I totally wasn’t aware, most MDO programs require registration many months in advance! Like, close to a year in advance, it’s crazy! For Scarlett, I missed out and she went later than I had hoped, but it all turned out fine and we enjoyed the extra time together 😉 With Sully, I have so many mixed feelings. He is going way earlier than his sister, and because of his birthday they are putting him in a class with older babies. Since his birthday is November, I had to sign him up for this school year or wait until he was 18 months old for next summer. I went back and forth so much. Do I send him? Do I just wait? My husband was my biggest encourager and told me to send him. He works so hard and long hours. The life of a medical resident family is so not easy. Thankfully we are in a ‘good’ time, but that never lasts long. I work two part time jobs- my blog and my photography! So, I need that extra time set aside where I definitely know I have 4 hours to work if I need it! Of course I do house hold chores, run errands, and have me time during his school hours, but it is so nice to set aside time for those things without the kids in my hair. We have no family in Birmingham, and that 4 hour break will be great for me, I know it. And, it will be great for Sully to play with other babies and socialize. I’m sure he won’t even miss me 😉 I know he will be fine, but gosh, this is all so hard to think about. For some reason it’s a little harder the second time around. Probably because I know this just means he is growing up! I feel so un prepared this time around. He is still nursing so I am really trying to figure out what I will be sending him to MDO with. I’m sure some finger foods and a bottle- but we are so laissez fair with our feedings around here that I should probably move towards a schedule so that his teacher has some guidance.
I do know one thing for sure though, he is going to have a seersucker backpack and lunchbox from Peek-A-Whoo to sport on his first day! These little backpacks are perfect for MDO and everyday outings. We have used Scarlett’s seersucker one for close to two years and it’s just our favorite. You can’t get anymore southern than seersucker 😉 This is such a favorite amongst mamas! I chose the turquoise set for Sully because the color is so fun and happy, but Peek-A-Whoo offers many different colors! We’ve gotten the adorable monogrammed bunnies (as seen in first picture) from them also, and just love them! Peek-A-Whoo is our go to for sweet monogram items 🙂 For my readers, I have a 10% discount code that can be applied to ANY gift set! Just use code BTS to get 10% off any gift set from Peek-A-Whoo! Mama’s with little ones sending off for the first time, how are you feeling? Anyone else feel the same way? Different? Happy Friday, friends!