The newborn days are short lived, yet they feel like some of the longest days of your life. Trust me, they go by way too fast. I am sitting her looking at my 7 week old wondering how in the world we are already almost at 2 months! I forget, when are they not considered ‘newborns’ anymore? It’s bittersweet to exit that stage because you miss the teeny tininess, yet you are thrilled to have an interactive baby who sleeps a good bit more (hopefully)! In those short weeks parents are in survival mode and don’t steer away from the things that are working for them. We have a few things that overlapped with our daughter that we absolutely could not live without. It was a relief to not have to run out and get tons of new things for this baby. I figured I’d share our favorite newborn items that have gotten us through thus far!
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Burp Cloths: These are my absolute favorite because the material is similar of a tea towel. I find that it’s much more absorbent and easy to fold. I used the typical three fold with Scarlett, so when I started using these I realized what I was missing. The sweet monogram ones are sweet for an outing, but those are just so much more practical! I also love the burp cloths by Burt’s Bees and the Aden and Anais ones!
Newborn Gowns: Newborn gowns make every change so much easier! And now, there are these gowns and outfits that are magnetic! This was a second time around find that we absolutely love! This unisex one is just so sweet! You may want yo stock up on 10-12 newborn gowns for baby. And definitely try to get 0-3 months or 3 months because they grow out of the newborn size so quickly!
Baby Wrap: We love our Solly Baby wrap and cannot live without it. It has saved me on days where Sullivan is wanting to be held all day. While chasing a toddler I just need to have him on me to keep him calm. Plus, the patterns are just so pretty! I had a Moby wrap last time and it was just slightly too thick for my spring baby.
Lounger/Sleeper: I am adding this one on here because our daughter lived in this thing until she was almost 6 months old. It is amazing for babies who have reflux or spit up easily when placed flat. It is easy to fold and transport. Many babies sleep in a rock n play over a crib/bassinet because of how comfortable they are in. I cannot recommend this enough! Our son loves to lounge in his and I know he feels snug and comforted in it. This one has an automatic rocking feature which would be so amazing to have!
Swing: Sullivan so far likes his MamaRoo a lot! I am thankful for the gentle motions that keep him calm while I tend to other things. We live in a smaller older home so space saving is so important to us- the mamaroo really is so small compared to the large swings that are out there. We had the large swing too and our daughter loved that one when she was around 2months old when she could handle the motion better.
Swaddle and SleepSack: We love our Aden and Anais swaddle blankets for keeping baby covered yet cool at the same time. The prints will have you sold immediately! These are great for anytime of the year and they are so breathable! Our almost 3 year old still loves to sleep with hers. For babies who escape easily from their swaddle, the sleep sack is popular. We have tried quite a few and have not found one better than the HALO sleepsacks. They are super easy to use and very hard to escape from! We got Sullivan a sweet one from PB Kids and just love it!
Baby Wash and Lotion: Noodle and Boo has been a favorite here for many years. I have not found a sweeter smell that truly smells like a sweet baby! They have so many great products that you will love like room spray, cloths, laundry detergent, and hand wash.
Pacifier: Our daughter loved the wubbanubs and now our son loves the MAM pacifiers! It’s truly what works best for your baby and what he/she prefers. He will occasionally take a Natursutten paci, which we really like! We introduced the pacifier at around a week with Sullivan.
Sound Machine: We have this sound machine in our room to keep for when Sullivan is sleeping. It helps drown out his big sister screaming or making loud noises which is nice. We also have this on the go sleep sheep I keep attached to his car seat for when we are out and about. This is another good on the go option I’d recommend!
You can shop out favorites here: