With Halloween nearing we wanted to share the best Halloween books for toddlers! Reading seasonal books to your little one is so fun! Most toddlers don’t quite understand the holiday just yet, so this is a fun way for them to get more out of it. Plus, these books below are quite adorable! Our favorites are Room on the Broom and Halloween Hustle! See below for more fun reads! Are there any books we missed? Would love to hear some of your favorites!
1.Dracula // 2. Room on the Broom
// 3. Wonderful Wizard of Oz
// 4. Duck & Goose, Find a Pumpkin
// 5. Biscuit Visits the Pumpkin Patch
// 6. Goodnight Goon
// 7. Frankenstein
8. Little Boo // 9. Halloween Hustle
// 10. Click, Clack, Boo!: A Tricky Treat